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Post Cervical Spiral
Semen Packing Bags
Porcine Semen Diluent for 7-10 days storage. All Kubus semen extenders are Animal Protein Free.
MR A3 Extender
MR-A3 is a medium shelf life diluent that allows to obtain better reproductive results than conventional short shelf life diluents such as BTS.
Foam Post Cervical Catheters
Semen Collection Bag
Semen bottles for storage and inseminationn
Thermos Cup
Temperature maintaining collection cup/flask
Semen Bottle
Semen bottles for storage and inseminationn
Foam Sow Catheter
Sow catheter for insermination
MR-A Antiox
Long term extender, offers upn to 12 days of semen protection
Spiral Catheter.
Traditional spiral catherters for insermination